To close out the subject, big time college coaching is really more about personal relations than money or other factors. The Academy Leadership failed to treat a good man with the respect and consideration he deserved. In the long run he would have left because the US NA program will never rise again to the level that fits his talent, but he would have left on better terms.
As for the senior leadership, I will give you my recollection of a recent statement by a senior Naval Officer.
So enough, my solution for my current anger is to enjoy Christmas with my family and take off to the Islands after that. I am finding it hard to get into the holiday spirit with the weather warm and sunny and I'd rather be on the beach than in the book store. Right after Christmas, I am off to the Islands again. I intend to leave my computer behind and put my phone in the brief case on off. Coverage of US sport is spotty and therefore I don't have a lot of interest in the rest of the football season either college or pro. My plans for return are open, but I will be back for Spring Training. In the spring I may go to Florida and visit one of the camps. I always wanted to do that.
I guess it is time to walk the dog before we have an accident.
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