Sunday, December 16, 2007


Answer Girl wrote about the Grinch who stole Christmas in a recent post, and the first Christmas that her mother was very sick. That was a bittersweet time and I guess brought home the real meaning of the Holiday season. The birth of the redeemer is the symbol of renewal and the other holidays are the adaptation of the Roman and Greek festival of time. There is a reason the cartoon portrayal of the old year looks like the Greek portrayals of Cronus, the God who devours all his children and then produces them again. So we gather again and then look forward to a new year. The only real end is when you stop looking ahead and dwelling on past problems that nothing can be done about.

So I went to the closet and found my Grinch sweat shirt and I will be wearing it for the next week. I am not going to decorate my apartment for Christmas and after working in the store for five days several weeks in a row, I will be fed up with Christmas Music for a year. But I will have my family and the chance for a new year.

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