Sunday, August 20, 2006


The day before you have to leave this place, they slip a note under your door with your flight confirmation and bus schedule for departure. This is commonly referred to by the guests as an eviction notice or sometimes "hate Mail". No one that I talked to was happy to leave. This is like the land of the Lotus eaters, that you can just drift along. The decisions are that should I take a kayak or a hobbie cat this morning? Maybe I should go to the dining room for a formal lunch or stay on the beach and have a hot dog or a cheeseburger. Tough decisions!

This trip has been marvelously successful. About two weeks into the trip, I found myself walking down the beach strolling to the reggae beat. Last Thursday night I was the first runner up in the sexy toga dance off contest. I don't know what I did. I was sober. I was only drinking plain iced tea at diner. The guy who won had a body like Mike Tyson in his prime, so I was never going to win that one. I was the local celebrity for at least 36 hours.

Nevertheless, I am back in Ft. Lauderdale and I am sore all over. I have had more good exercise in the last month that the last twenty years. I intend to continue the exercise program when I get back.

Sometime in the next week, I will describe the ordeal of the one and a half hour flight from Montego Bay (MOBAY) to Ft. LAUDERDALE (FLL). I have to think about it, but I think I went through five security checks.

1 comment:

Ellen Clair Lamb said...

Wow, Dad -- I'm happy for you, but I think I'm also a little scared. No toga parties in central Maine, I'm afraid...