Sunday, September 17, 2006


Now I am in New York, in a place called Fishkill. Before everyone gets upset, the name doesn't mean kill fish, it means Fish Creek in Old Dutch. The names around here tend to be leftovers from when the Indians sold Manhattan Island to the Dutch.

Friday, I went to my niece's wedding in Yorktown Heights in Westchester. It was all very nice and traditional and I really enjoyed myself at the dinners and reception and then hanging around with my family. We only get together now for weddings and funerals and I much prefer the weddings.

I flew down from Maine last Wednesday and that was an adventure that is becoming all too routine. I don't mind flying but going through airport security is becoming a bigger hassle every trip.

I had intended to come down last weekend and visit with my relatives on my wife's side of the family, but I ended up in a hospital in Central Maine for five days. The injury to my shin that I got in Jamaica wouldn't heal and was beginning to look ugly. When I went to the emergency room, I expected that they would give me some medicine and maybe some pills and send me away. They took one look at my leg and the next thing I knew I was in a bed with all kinds of IVs stuck on me. Then I was put in isolation until they were sure I didn't have some exotic bug from Jamaica. So they let me go but when I get home I have to go to my family doctor as soon as possible.

So no visit to Yankee Stadium or Shea. I'm going this afternoon to visit the cemeteries and my Aunt Agnes who will have her 101st birthday on the 22nd. Tomorrow I may go to the old hood in the Bronx, if I have enough courage, and maybe try to look up some of my old friends.

On Tuesday, I am flying home. Summer is over it's time to go home and back to work, if I can get up the energy.

For those who have been following this blog, the adventure will continue, just maybe at a little slower pace for the next few months.

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