Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Last Friday I signed a lease on a small apartment in the Chix's Beach area and talked to a Realtor about selling this house. This is a wrenching experience for me but it is time to seriously downsize. Even when I am home, I am not in this house that much and even then I have almost half the rooms shut off and never go into them.

I am off to Jacksonville, Florida today to visit Kathy and her family for a few days. Then next weekend Clair and Chris will be here for a visit and the last two weeks of this month, I will be going back to school. I am taking the Masters, Mates and Operators course and then the exam. It has been more than 20 years since I have had this type of commitment, 8 AM to 5 PM for two solid weeks. It will be a shock.

Then in April I move. This is the first move in over 40 years that I will be making alone. I'll let everyone know how it goes.